Feeling Good

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Salad is Only as Healthy as Your Dressing

Salad is Only as Healthy as Your Dressing

Hidden Risks of Common "Health" Food Uncovered (AscendHealthy.com) - Cool, crisp greens complimented by cucumbers, tomatoes, carrot shavings and maybe some purple cabbage tendrils...
5 Reasons You Should Avoid a Gluten-Free Diet

5 Reasons You Should Avoid a Gluten-Free Diet

Eating Plans Gone Wrong - Is This Trend As Healthy As They Say? (AscendHealthy.com) - Gluten-free diets have their place. For the millions of people...

Stressed Out? Corpse Pose to the Rescue

(AscendHealthy.com) - Relax! Easier said than done? A few yoga poses may be in order, with Savasana --- the Corpse Pose --- being at...
Indigestion... or Something Far Worse?

Indigestion… or Something Far Worse?

(AscendHealthy.com) - Occasional indigestion is normal; we all eat something every once in a while that doesn’t sit quite right. However, when the discomfort...
What Nightshades Are Really Doing to Your Body

What Nightshades Are Really Doing to Your Body

(AscendHealthy.com) - We only eat a handful of the thousands of nightshades available out in nature. The ones we do eat --- potatoes, tomatoes,...

Recovering from Trauma: The Science Behind EMDR Therapy

(AscendHealthy)- Trauma is common. Approximately 60% of men and 50% of women will survive a traumatic event, such as assault, violence, disaster, or accident,...

5 Major Health Controversies (That Doctors Got All Wrong)

Science is far from perfect, and our understanding of human health is constantly evolving. The history of modern medicine is riddled with mistakes, from...
7 Surprising Dementia Risk Factors

7 Surprising Dementia Risk Factors

(AscendHealthy.com) - Dementia is a stressful and upsetting disease, and every year nearly 10 million people around the world are diagnosed with it. The...

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