(AscendHealthy.com) – The color of your pee can provide a lot of insight into your health. Cloudy urine, as well as urine that is not the average straw color, can be a warning sign. Learn what the color of your pee is telling you.
Straw-colored Urine
Healthy urine is generally straw-colored — or pale yellow to gold in color. Diet and other factors may affect the color, however. If your pee is not straw-colored, you may want to consult with your healthcare provider to determine if there is an underlying cause. The list below might provide you with potential diagnoses based on color and clarity, but it’s no substitute for a medical opinion.
Cloudy Urine
Cloudy urine might be an indicator of diabetes, because diabetics are more prone to certain urine infections. Cloudy pee alone does not necessarily mean a person is diabetic. Sweet-smelling urine is another indication, as this tends to be unique to diabetics due to increased blood sugar levels.
Some kidney issues can cause cloudy urine, as well. Kidney stones and kidney infections are two such causes. If your urine is cloudy and you are also experiencing fever, chills, nausea, frequent urination or body pain, you may have kidney stones or a kidney infection. Body pain is usually focused on the back, side, under the ribs or in the abdomen. If you believe this might be the case, you will need to seek medical assistance to determine the exact cause and for treatment.
Other causes of cloudy urine may include vaginal infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs), cancer, elevated white blood cell count and even high alkaline or acid levels.
Pink or Red Urine
Red or pink urine might cause alarm. However, these unnatural colors are not always as scary as they may seem. Red or pink pee may be caused by pigmentations in certain foods. It also may be an indicator of blood. Blood may be present in urine from vigorous exercise, a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, kidney stones, tumors (cancerous or noncancerous) and cysts.
Pink or red urine isn’t always indicative of blood. Medications or food might also be to blame. If you have not eaten any foods that might cause red or pink urine (such as beets or blackberries), consider consulting your healthcare provider.
Dark Yellow Urine
Dehydration is the most common reason for pee to be dark yellow in color. However, the shade of yellow pee may vary greatly, depending on what foods or medications have been consumed and on how often and what you drink.
Orange Urine
Certain medications may turn urine orange as may certain foods. However, orange urine may also indicate problems with the liver or bile ducts. If you have not taken medication or eaten food which might affect the color of your pee, seek counsel from your healthcare provider immediately as this color could signal serious issues.
When urine changes color, the surprise can often cause alarm. It’s important to consider diet and medications. If these aren’t the cause, it’s probably time to consult your healthcare provider to explore the situation more thoroughly. It might be something simple, but a color change could also be a red flag for serious medical conditions.
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