(AscendHealthy.com) – Most people get nervous at the thought of having to go under the knife, even though the vast majority of us are sure to be in good hands when we do. Every surgery has its risks, but some are considerably higher than others. From blood clots and heart attacks to infections and bleeds, dangerous complications can add risks to many procedures. Here are six of the deadliest surgeries.
Get the Details on These 6 Dangerous Surgeries.
1. Pancreatectomy
In some cases of pancreatic cancer, full removal of the organ is the only option to spare a patent’s life — but up to 10% of people who undergo a pancreatectomy don’t survive the surgery’s complications. Problems can include delayed gastric emptying, peritonitis, pseudoaneurysm and pancreatic fistula, which can open the doors to life-threatening sepsis and bleeding.
2. Exploratory Surgery
When doctors aren’t sure what’s wrong, or they suspect cancer is hiding in one or more places, they may decide a patient’s best option is exploratory surgery. According to Medline, complications can include incisional hernia, accidental organ damage, blood clots and infections. Roughly 12.6% of people who undergo exploratory surgery may die from complications.
3. Bowel Perforation Surgery
Some surgeries carry heavier risks due to dangers related to the conditions they’re treating. People undergoing surgery to repair a perforated bowel have nearly a 17% chance of succumbing to infection. Chances of survival depend heavily on the severity of the infection before the operation and whether anastomosis was required, which is when parts of the bowel needed to be removed and reattached.
4. Craniectomy
Traumatic head injuries often complicate this dangerous procedure, which surgeons perform to relieve deadly swelling of the brain. In over 26% of cases, this surgery is unsuccessful, and the patient succumbs to continued swelling or stroke. Craniectomy may also be necessary to diagnose or treat brain tumors and aneurysms, drain abscesses and remove masses or clots from blood vessels.
5. Carotid Artery Stenting
The carotid arteries run from the head, along the sides of the neck, and to the aorta. The University of California San Francisco’s Department of Surgery explains that these arteries supply blood to the face, scalp and brain. When blood clots restrict this important blood flow, a stent may be necessary to open the artery back up. Unfortunately, 32% of people who undergo this surgery die within 2 years.
6. Aortic Dissection Repair
Aortic dissection can be a long-term effect of uncontrolled high blood pressure, according to Merck Manuals, although atherosclerosis and connective tissue disorders can also contribute to this complication. The aorta can tear in any number of places, but in any case, the resulting bleeding kills about 20% of patients before they have a chance to identify and treat it. About 33% of people who undergo surgery to repair the damage don’t survive.
Most surgeries are far safer than these outliers, with the overall post-surgical mortality rate in the United States being between 1.14% and 1.32%. People considering surgery, regardless of the type, should discuss all risks and benefits with their doctors. It isn’t always the right call, but there are times when taking a chance on a dangerous procedure is the only reasonable option.
~Here’s to Your Healthy Ascension
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