Move Over Murder Hornets! 5 Dangerous Bugs You’ll Want to Avoid
(AscendHealthy.com) – The idea of murder hornets is certainly unsettling, but it’s also pretty unrealistic that you’ll be attacked by one. In fact, you probably won’t ever see one in the wild. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk from insects. There are bugs out there that can be very dangerous and even deadly, especially if you’re allergic. Here are 5 dangerous bugs to be cautious of.
1. Bees Can Cause Serious Allergic Reactions
A lot of people see bees as cute, fuzzy little things that sleep in flowers and make honey in their spare time. While bees can be adorable, they can also be dangerous — and even deadly — to people who are allergic. Even those without allergies are affected by bees if they get stung too many times at once. In 2015, one Indiana University professor even stated that bees were the most lethal animal in America.
2. Brown Recluse Spiders Destroy Tissue
Southern, Northeastern and Midwestern states are home to the brown recluse spider, and its bite can cause serious wounds. People who are bitten may not even notice the bite right away, but the tissue around the bite will be damaged and destroyed.
According to Poison Control, the bite of a brown recluse can result in necrosis (tissue death) in the affected area, and in some cases, the venom can spread and require surgical intervention. If the venom gets too deep into the body, there’s also a risk of death.
3. Mosquitoes Spread Many Different Diseases
While the bite of a mosquito is more of a nuisance than a danger, it’s what’s in the bite that can be a problem. Diseases like malaria, dengue, Zika, and West Nile virus — to name a few — can all be transmitted through mosquito bites.
According to the CDC, mosquitoes kill more people than any other creature worldwide because of the number and types of diseases they can spread from one person to another. Even in developed countries, where transmission rates of these diseases are low, mosquitos can put people at risk.
4. Black Widow Spiders Inject Dangerous Neurotoxins
Around seven people every year are killed by spiders, according to a 2015 Washington Post study. Most of those deaths are a result of being bit by a black widow spider, which is commonly found in the western and southern parts of the United States. Other parts of North America can have these arachnids, as well, but they aren’t as common.
Though fatalities from black widows are extremely rare, these spiders do produce dangerous neurotoxins, which can be especially harmful to the elderly and children. A bite from one of these spiders can lead to muscle cramps, difficulty breathing and severe pain that can be mistaken for appendicitis or a heart attack.
5. Bark Scorpions Can Affect Muscle Activity
For people who live in desert states, seeing scorpions is just a part of life. But the Arizona bark scorpion is one that should definitely be avoided. According to Poison Control, these scorpions can cause muscle twitching and problems, such as slurred speech, trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing, and unusual eye movements.
The insects are found in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and Nevada. High blood pressure and heart rate changes may also be a problem from this scorpion’s sting, with symptoms being more serious in young children.
Whether you live in a state with a big bug population or one where your risk is lower, it’s important to pay attention to what’s crawling around you. If you see a bug you’re not sure of, it’s best to leave it alone. It’s also important to know your allergies and risk factors.
Always seek prompt medical attention if you’re bitten or stung by something and start to feel bad or experience medical issues like trouble breathing, dizziness, difficulty swallowing, uncontrolled swelling or extreme pain. Take pictures of the culprit, if possible (using the zoom feature on your phone — don’t get too close). Early treatment may provide better overall outcomes. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
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