[LOOK] 5 Unusual Reasons to Go to Therapy Even If You Don’t Think You Need To
(AscendHealthy.com) – When it comes to therapy, there’s still some stigma around it. That’s slowly ending, and part of the reason for therapy acceptance is all the great benefits a therapist may provide. There are some really unusual and interesting reasons for a person to go to therapy and get all the value they can from it. Let’s look at a few.
1. It May Help Fix Physical Symptoms
Going to therapy may offer more than just help for mental health concerns. It may play a role in improving or correcting physical symptoms, as well. People who have untreated depression, for example, often have aches and pains. With proper mental health treatment, depression will improve and reduce much of the physical discomfort.
Additionally, treating trauma-based mental health issues such as PTSD may also benefit patients by reducing stomach ulcers, sleeping problems, and other issues. Our bodies react to mental stress just as they react to physical stress, and both areas of health require treatment for long-term wellness.
2. It May Address Repressed Emotions
“Stuffing down” emotions is something many people do. They may not want to have a conflict, so they don’t say anything about something that’s bothering them. But repressing emotions doesn’t make those feelings go away. Instead, the feelings linger, which may cause an unexpected blow-up or breakdown later.
A small comment may be all it takes for a person to have a bad reaction to something. That may lead the person and others around them to wonder why the response was so “over the top.” But a strong reaction is rarely based on one small statement. Instead, it may come from years of repressed emotion about a topic, person, or idea.
3. It May Reduce Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Many people may mask their discomfort with something or someone by using a passive-aggressive technique. They may “forget” an appointment or date with them and not show up. They may also make sarcastic remarks and say things that are unpleasant while insisting they were just joking. Therapy may help reduce that.
When we attempt to express ourselves but feel rebuffed, we may develop a passive-aggressive pattern of behavior. Often, it comes from feelings of being ignored or marginalized after making an effort to communicate unsuccessfully. Talking the situation out in therapy is one of the ways to help voice ourselves and be heard. With online therapy options, it’s not even necessary to leave the house to reach out for help.
4. It May Help You Deal With Future Problems
Handling issues now doesn’t just solve that issue — it may also set you up to better address future issues. That’s because therapy is about more than just treating an acute mental health issue. There’s no doubt it’s effective for acute issues, but over time, therapy also teaches good coping skills and self-awareness that we can use again and again.
When a problem comes up in the future, having the necessary skills to address that problem and handle it correctly may be extremely valuable. People who go to therapy learn these kinds of life skills that schools generally don’t teach, and they may use those skills in both good and bad situations throughout the rest of their lives.
5. It May Reduce the Chances of Self-Medicating
Many people who struggle with mental health concerns turn to self-medication. They may take drugs or drink alcohol, but some people may also use food to cope or even choose excessive exercise, gambling, or other options to fill a void or feel better. These things rarely work effectively in the long term, though.
By going to therapy and addressing issues head-on instead of trying to self-medicate or cover them up for a little while, it’s possible to handle problems more healthily. That reduces the chances of self-medicating behavior and makes it easier for the person to find pursuits they really enjoy and explore them as part of a healthy life.
It could be critical to recognize how all the benefits of going to therapy may not be mainstream, but they are important and potentially life-changing. Ending the stigma and using therapy as a preventative maintenance measure for our health may make a big difference in how well we react to, and interact with, the world around us.
~Here’s to Your Healthy Ascension
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